Klark Brown

August 18, 2023

Hello World

There can only ever be a FIRST #1 of anything. This is mine, here at least. Call this a step to my new ANALOG and SIMPLE approach to more things. 

This will be my refuge for the things in my head. Thoughts on life, business, current events, experiences, and other things we seem to all get tangled up into.

As an entrepreneur owning multiple businesses, this will be more of a personal blog, newsletter, or whatever you feel it is.

It is meant to be conversational, so simply reply and let me know your thoughts or upgrade to whatever I am talking about. This will replace my newsletter on LinkedIn, and a large number of my post on FB (which I treat like Twitter).

I  still have a blog for Restoration Advisers https://www.restorationadvisers.com/blog. I invite you to subscribe there and fill your cup with strictly business and industry content. New Blog each Tuesday. 

Subscriber here at any time or email me at klark@hey.com. This will not be terribly scheduled. It will depend on a few things:
  • How busy or into a project I am 
  • How much is going on in my head

It may be a week or weeks apart, or there may be times when there are 2-3 a day.


Why am I blogging? Because I like to share things. I really never have a true sense of who wants to read it, but when I am told by someone that they enjoy my input into the universe, it fills my cup.
I am moving here so I have OWNERSHIP

Social Media channels own what I write by their T&Cs. Well, if you know me...you are aware I like to be independent and I want to own my own property. Forever and Always. 

That's it for now. See you soon. 


About Klark Brown

I spend a larger amount of my time than I should doing my small part improving this industry. I give people ideas and inspiration. Why? Because the momentum of 12,000 people working towards one thing is stronger than 1 person.

In exchange I ask that if you would like to get experienced and successful help from people who have DONE it, you reach out to us. We love what we do, and you will to. 

If you are a Restoprenuer™️ and want a guide (think Yoda to Skywalker) to help, thats what we do. www.restorationadvisers.com or simply reply to this email.