Klark Brown

August 19, 2023

How I make MY perfect steak.

I'd like to share how I have finally found a steak grilling method that honestly causes me to be wildly underwhelmed with all other experiences, especially restaurants.

Dinner time at our house is a family affair and we try to make it special.

Here is my method of what is commonly called Reverse Sear:

1. Buy good steak. My first choice is Ribeye. The meat/ fat ratio is ideal and it best suits the slow cooking method. 
  •  Get prime if you can, but choice is fine also. 
  • A 1.5-2% thick cut works best. 

2. Layout your steaks and season them. 
I do not use a binder. A binder would be Olive Oil, Mustard or some other liquid base. The seasoning will adhere just fine and create a good "bark"

  • I use seasoning from a company called Meat Church [https://www.meatchurch.com/ ] I use Holy Cow and Holy Gospel
  • You can use a simple salt, course pepper and garlic
  • Generously coat one side (don't forget the sides). 
  • Let sit for 10-15 mins. Let the meat "sweat" which bonds the rub to the meat. 
  • Flip and do the same for the other side. 
3. Start your pellet grill or regular smoking grill. 
  • Set a temp to 225-250
  • Use post oak or another hardwood for good smoke. 
4. Place your steaks on the grill. 
  • We cook to internal temp of 125-130 degrees max
  • If you don't have a great digital therm, hey one. 
  • You can flip once during the cook if you like , but I have not found it makes a difference since we are offset grilling. 
  • Expect a 20-35 min grilling. Thicker steaks will cause it to vary. 
  • SLOW AND LOW is the key
5. Back inside you want to make some compound butter
  • get a stick (or two depending on how many steaks) of unsalted butter. 
  • Place in a bowl and add crushed fresh garlic, thyme, rosemary and maybe a little lemon squeeze. You can even add the Meat Church rub. Play with this until you find what you want. 
  • Place the mixed butter onto a piece plastic cling wrap. 
  • Roll it into a tube and twist the ends. 
  • Place in freezer. 
6. Pull the steaks off at 125-135 (not more than that)
  • Let them rest for 10 minutes
  • Prepare a super hot griddle (we have a Blackstone) and get to a 500-600 degree temp
  • Lay down some light oil
  • Place the steaks on for a good 1-2 (max) seat on each side and the edges 
  • Use tongs here, not forks. Don't puncture the meat. 
  • Final internal might be around 140-145. This will be good (not bloody) even for those that "think " they want well done. 
7. Bring inside and begin the rest
  • Pull the compound butter and slice into thin slices
  • Place slices on top of steaks
  • Cover loosely with foil 
  • Rest for min 10 mins
8. With a sharp knife , slice the steak in 1/4-1/2" slices 
  • Cut against the grain. 
Serve and enjoy. 

Your family will love it. My kids that aren't even serious steak eaters request this. 

If there are any leftovers, they are amazing in tacos. 



About Klark Brown

I spend a larger amount of my time than I should doing my small part improving this industry. I give people ideas and inspiration. Why? Because the momentum of 12,000 people working towards one thing is stronger than 1 person.

In exchange I ask that if you would like to get experienced and successful help from people who have DONE it, you reach out to us. We love what we do, and you will to. 

If you are a Restoprenuer™️ and want a guide (think Yoda to Skywalker) to help, thats what we do. www.restorationadvisers.com or simply reply to this email.