Klark Brown

August 19, 2023

Entrepreneur Depression

en·tre·pre·neur de·pres·sion

noun (s)

That's a hell of a phrase isn't it?  A combination of two words that probably describe far more afflictions than what is discussed. 

There of course are not actual definitions for this particular pairing, but I feel the idea makes sense. 

Starting a business from an idea take a lot of energy and courage. That's honestly why most probably don't do it, despite the ideas they have.  

A entrepreneur generally starts with passion. A dream to improve something or put a new spin on something that you came across. 

It's a flower you plant. You know it will take work.  Instead of water and sunshine, it will take patience (which comes in small containers) and money. Hard earned money that you had set aside for that Disney trip or to get the new Bronco. 

But you convince your spouse that the idea you have will be received amazingly and everyone Will want it. 

On average, 7% of the population suffers from depression while a whopping 30% of entrepreneurs do.

But more times than not, that just isn't the case. Our own dopamine lied to us. Good intentions but not true in the real world. 

So we are met with minimal results (except for Aunt Kelly who encourages everything) and worse...silence. 

If you were already feeling anxiety, these unmet expectations only pour hot lava over that. 

So we develop ED. 

We question everything. We feel like maybe we just aren't made for this. 

You obsess over looking for answers, hacks, YouTube videos and sometimes....coach's. 

But more time than not, it was simply lack of a plan. 

Your creation had serious merit, but in your euphoric mania, you rushed. You brain dumped. 

They say entrepreneurs are good baseball players. Strike out alot, but as long as they get more pitches....they know they will rip the skin one day. 

If you have a staff, your ED can often times have negative culture effects on the tribe. You turn inward and no longer show up on fire. 

Then sometimes you make terrible financial decisions to try to recoup fund or honestly try to justify that you aren't a failure. 

If this sounds familiar, rest easy. 

1. You aren't alone. Even if no one admits it. 

2. It will pass soon. 

I don't think CVS has a proven prescription for it. 

Dr Klark says lick your wounds, learn what you need and try again. 

The world is cheering you on. 

They know most never shoot their shot. 

Don't let Earth down. 


About Klark Brown

I spend a larger amount of my time than I should doing my small part improving this industry. I give people ideas and inspiration. Why? Because the momentum of 12,000 people working towards one thing is stronger than 1 person.

In exchange I ask that if you would like to get experienced and successful help from people who have DONE it, you reach out to us. We love what we do, and you will to. 

If you are a Restoprenuer™️ and want a guide (think Yoda to Skywalker) to help, thats what we do. www.restorationadvisers.com or simply reply to this email.