Klark Brown

December 3, 2023

Your Choice



To be brave, not afraid
To be curious, not content
To work harder, not relax
To be trusted, not popular
To do more, not less
To create, not replicate


Hurt people
Ignore my heart and gut
Put my needs before others
Let the idea that I've done enough enter
Break a promise
Stop educating
Stop leading by example
Pretend someone else isn't coming to take everything I have

I look at choices as a gift. They are not to be taken for granted. They are not be ignored. 

My choices often hurt, but they are mine. The  next choice helps me and I am proud. 

Make a list of your choices. You might have a renewed appreciation for your liberty and the tiny things will bother you much less. 


About Klark Brown

I spend a larger amount of my time than I should doing my small part improving this industry. I give people ideas and inspiration. Why? Because the momentum of 12,000 people working towards one thing is stronger than 1 person.

In exchange I ask that if you would like to get experienced and successful help from people who have DONE it, you reach out to us. We love what we do, and you will to. 

If you are a Restoprenuer™️ and want a guide (think Yoda to Skywalker) to help, thats what we do. www.restorationadvisers.com or simply reply to this email.