Lila Tace

Pinned post from August 25, 2024

The Complete God And Art Book Series By Lila Tace

Purchase the books God And Art: From Pain To God Through Art (Book I.) I. Give This To A Sleeping Artist. There are three acts of every artist’s journey. Act 1: Asleep Act 2: Awakening Act 3: Awakened Act 1: You create work as a selfish artist at home. You think your work is exceptional and are owed money and fame. You may hoard your w...
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October 20, 2024

There is no need to collect or consume anything. It's all within the soul. Unbecome. Melt all you collected. Be who you are. Create with your soul and delight the world. All is within. You came complete. Just see that, be that, and express that. It's the most natural, and effortless soul expression that you are longing for. Spontaneous...
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September 20, 2024

The scales are tipping.

Dead art ruled for a long time. But dead art is dying out. Living art today is ahead of its time. But who has eyes sees. The scales are tipping.
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September 20, 2024

Don’t stop walking.

Every artist becomes a philosopher when they walk long enough.
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September 20, 2024

Poetry Of Dissolving Identity!

You don't need to do. I quietly work on you. You don't need to dissolve. I instantly devour you. You don't need to speak. I take your tongue. You don’t need to see. I become your eyes. You don’t need to believe. I give a taste. You don’t need to know. I like a fool. You don’t need to let go. I fall into you. You don't need to retain. I...
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September 20, 2024

Your destiny.

Your destiny — the life that belongs to the world.
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September 20, 2024

The hermit.

My community grows out of my hermit cell. A cell that’s true to me. Not a cancerous clot of death. My part grows out of my hermit soul. A soul that’s bravely me. Not a shadow play of past. My voice grows out of my hermit heart. A heart that melts the ice. I drop my distant cold attire. My road forms in front of my hermit eyes. My eyes ...
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September 19, 2024

The road.

Sometimes, other people hear your voice before you do. Sometimes, other people see a light you don't. And they tell you it shines from you. And you don't believe them; how could you? For you don't see that light. But you've been looking. But you've been looking in the wrong places. Treading carefully along a path well-lit. But no path ...
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September 8, 2024

In harmony with life expressing through me.

I get an impulse to write—I write. I get an impulse to record—I record.
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September 5, 2024

'If I was going to put anything on record, then it ought to be me.' - John Coltrane

There's a lot to learn from John Coltrane. The Road To Mastery. Private art and public art are two different worlds. Private art is comfortable growth at one's own pace, while public art is compressed, pressured growth, leading to leaps in artistic development if not abandoned by facing pain publically. Mastery is establishing one's vo...
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September 4, 2024

Master, then break the box.

A box is a beautiful frame until it becomes my prison. Mastery requires demolition, undoing, and liberation. Masters fly like birds, and so I, too, must let go and fly.
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September 4, 2024

Public & private art are two different worlds.

I. Private Art: comfortable growth at own pace II. Public Art: compressed, pressured growth; leaps if not abandoned; facing pain in public III. Mastery: establishing one's voice through one's chain of art (portfolio) = carving one's place in art
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September 3, 2024

Sing to liberate yourself. Then, sing to liberate the world. In other words, sing until there is no more you in the music.
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August 31, 2024

Why is Jazz so divinely beautiful?

There aren’t multiple players. Jazz is one.
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August 31, 2024

Journey to God through art.

I. Pain And Misery: You create a lot of ugly art to get to the bottom of it all. Purge the pain. II. Healing Journey (Self Healing): Art becomes purer and healthier with each trauma release. III. Dissolution Into God (Healing the world through art): Direct transmission of God through art. Art is a mirror of the artist's state of being ...
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August 31, 2024


listen I am nowhere near the channel he is — divine. His music puts me there — somewhere. No human — transmission. Gods. I Study them — they turn human. Confidence. Do something — anything? The thing only I can bring.
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August 28, 2024


‘George Lucas A Life’ by Brian Jay Jones
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August 28, 2024

The greater good is the only good.

The only intelligent way to live is to surrender because how can I — a minute drop of creation — see the bigger picture?
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August 28, 2024

I trust life.

Life shows me what I need to see, gives me what I need to have, takes what I need to let go.
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August 28, 2024

Instrument of creation.

Creation plays by its own drum, balancing the scales. I am but a speck on my isolated road. There’s the world’s heartbeat, but mine beats differently. I am selfish; is that where I go wrong? Art restores my connection. Art reminds me to be humble. Art is my gift of union. When there is art, there is but one collective being. And I am i...
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August 27, 2024

Then, art changes the world.

Why does my art exist? Not all art is equal. Do I stand in the way of art? When there is me in the song, something is wrong. Is it about me? Art is for self-healing until the scales tip. Then, art changes the world.
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August 27, 2024


Play like a child. Write like a child.
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August 25, 2024

Nowhere to hide.

'One guitar, one voice' exposes all. Where can I hide behind no arrangement, collaborators, or fancy production? I feel exposed—my state of being undeniably captured. Where to put the fear? Where to hide the heart? One naked moment of truth—my mirror, my learning tool. Complete exposure. Learn to love it.
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August 25, 2024

Picasso and my creative process.

Today's recording session was hard. It feels like I wage a battle against myself daily. Today, I won. My goal is to create new art every day, Picasso style. Why was he the most famous painter in the world? — His creative output? Why was he so confident in his ability? — He painted until painting became his identity? What is my identity...
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August 25, 2024

If somebody sees me in my songs, I've made a mistake.
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August 25, 2024

Don't optimize your actions based on how people perceive you. Optimize your actions based on what's true to you.
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August 22, 2024

Your catalog is your calling card.
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August 22, 2024


Ich habe kein litterarisches Interesse, sondern bestehe aus Litteratur; ich bin nichts anderes und kann nichts anderes sein. I have no literary interest but consist of literature; I am nothing else, and I cannot be anything else.
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August 21, 2024

And probably it's both.

Artists are not chosen; they choose themselves.
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August 20, 2024

Tears in my eyes.

So You Want To Be A Writer? Charles Bukowski 1920 – 1994 if it doesn't come bursting out of you in spite of everything, don't do it. unless it comes unasked out of your heart and your mind and your mouth and your gut, don't do it. if you have to sit for hours staring at your computer screen or hunched over your typewriter searching for...
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August 20, 2024

The more an artist is authentic in their being, the more potent their art. Authenticity is felt. Faking is not art; it is, in fact, an act of hiding.
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