Lila Tace

July 12, 2024

Alice through the looking glass.

The only natural action is choiceless. There is no action. Performing no-action the soul abides in its own nature. That is freedom: perfect choicelessness, independent from the projected world. Looking in, not looking out. But then, who is looking? The world is the greatest teacher because the world is you. Your pain leads you home. You lead yourself home. It’s too obvious to notice. Fools hiding in plain sight. One beautiful angel told me yesterday: ignorance is bliss. That bliss pales to the bliss of clarity. Heaven is found on Earth: walking without images. Perfect choicelessness is perfect clarity. Alice through the looking glass (Alice In Wonderland).

About Lila Tace

I document my chain of art, my joy, and my frustration. This is my story in songs—one uninterrupted arch of an artist's journey. I'm a folk singer-songwriter, but honestly, I'm just a fool in love with scribbling poems on sheets of paper.