Lila Tace

August 16, 2024

Commandments of creativity.

  • I do the work only I can do—my work, not a copy of someone else's authentic work. By being authentic, there is no competition. 
  • Whenever there is something to capture, I capture it. When there is nothing to capture, I withhold. It's not my choice—it's what comes through me. 
  • The potency of work comes from the state of doing. Non-doing, complete flow with life creates the highest potency of work—my highest potential—to disappear into the art, to hold God in my heart, to completely surrender to life and my life's work. Devotional work. Work without the filter of identity.
  • It is never about me. It is about them. My work's value is determined by the value it gives the receiver. The world does not value egotistical work. 
  • To make money with my life's work, I project my authentic self into the world. My business is my vehicle to be me at scale. Joy is my filter. My authentic joy happens to be the world's greatest joy and the highest value I can bring the world—to restore who I am and share that God-given gift of me. 

About Lila Tace

I document my chain of art, my joy, and my frustration. This is my story in songs—one uninterrupted arch of an artist's journey. I'm a folk singer-songwriter, but honestly, I'm just a fool in love with scribbling poems on sheets of paper.