Lila Tace

July 12, 2024

Complete self-expression is the key to success.

Actions that are complete cast no shadows. Complete actions arise as spontaneous, natural expressions of the soul without any filter through the image we hold of ourselves. When such work meets the world, authenticity shines through and connects naturally with the hearts that it is for. Limiting self-expression by trauma responses is the root of unnatural, sporadic, and distorted manifestations of that expression in the world. The world is your state of being. Once falseness is shed, your natural self-expression naturally occupies its niche and nurtures you and the right hearts. Entrepreneurship is but a natural autonomous expression of being. Our past and our traumas cloud that expression of the soul. When you create freely and share your work, watch your emotional responses acutely and withhold opposing currents and resulting opposing actions. Don‘t delete your work; let it be, and work on your inner responses instead. Free yourself, creation by creation, and manifest your destiny. The destiny that is meant for you. You are your destiny! Don‘t be ugly and add to the ugliness, but be a source of light and bring love to the world by becoming love yourself. Face your falsehood, face resistance, and choose your soul. You are that. Who will take it from you but you? No one is a victim of circumstance. The world is not cruel. It's simply inside-out, not outside-in manifestation. Understand that, claim back your power, and fight for your soul. Don‘t play cat and mouse. You are playing alone. 

About Lila Tace

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