Lila Tace

July 20, 2024

Inner knowing.

You know what there is to know after karmic resolution. You don’t know something that you cannot access yet for layers of karma are blocking knowledge (released by purging those layers). The freer the being, the higher knowledge it accesses, and can access knowledge by inner contemplation and letting go. The answer will come as karmic layers to be shed or instantly as the answer or serendipitously after letting go of wanting the knowledge in the form of an outside manifestation of the answer. 

Everything is within. Don’t focus consciousness outside of self for answers.

About Lila Tace

I document my chain of art, my joy, and my frustration. This is my story in songs—one uninterrupted arch of an artist's journey. I'm a folk singer-songwriter, but honestly, I'm just a fool in love with scribbling poems on sheets of paper.