I am living my past (trauma). Before I burn it, I am not living freely as my soul.
The moment I recognize a pattern, I separate it from the emotion. I sit with the emotion and gently observe it without judgment or storylines. I sit until the emotion dissipates. That way, I retrain my nervous system not to respond in a traumatic way. Then, free self-expression is discovered.
Soul recognition comes before such spiritual work. Without soul recognition, there is no conscious distance between the observer (soul) and the trauma response. Acutely dealing with trauma responses is spiritual work. It liberates from karma and frees up the soul's natural expression and destiny.
Until then, I recycle the past (karma).
The moment I recognize a pattern, I separate it from the emotion. I sit with the emotion and gently observe it without judgment or storylines. I sit until the emotion dissipates. That way, I retrain my nervous system not to respond in a traumatic way. Then, free self-expression is discovered.
Soul recognition comes before such spiritual work. Without soul recognition, there is no conscious distance between the observer (soul) and the trauma response. Acutely dealing with trauma responses is spiritual work. It liberates from karma and frees up the soul's natural expression and destiny.
Until then, I recycle the past (karma).