Lila Tace

July 18, 2024

Perfect flow.

Aligned with soul, everything becomes simple, effective, and effortless (actions, habits, life in general).
When friction arises, distortions are faced, roots are pulled, and perfect flow and natural self-expression are established. 
I've come to find solutions are always the most simple, natural, and therefore effortless things. Run from force; establish in being. Perform actions from being. Face your crap that disturbs your flow. The flow of life.

perfect flow = perfect soul alignment
disturbed flow = distortions to be faced

About Lila Tace

I document my chain of art, my joy, and my frustration. This is my story in songs—one uninterrupted arch of an artist's journey. I'm a folk singer-songwriter, but honestly, I'm just a fool in love with scribbling poems on sheets of paper.