Lila Tace

June 14, 2024

Potent Work: Potency Vs. Force

I used to think that hard work was the root of great work. 
That force was necessary to create work worth sharing. 
I have come to a different conclusion. 

I realized that when I am aligned with my authentic/natural being, work flows effortlessly. I realized that when I force, I am not in complete alignment. Forced work pales in comparison to work created naturally. 

We are diverted and perverted and as far from our soul as it gets. Every soul has a unique fragrance and a unique gift to bring to the world. Self-discovery lies at the root of uncovering the soul and its inherent gift. 
Most are not aware of their dilemma. 

When perverted and twisted into an image, everything takes effort and great force. When shedding layers of falsehood, the right work eventually finds and nurtures us. The more in alignment, the less effort the creation takes. Through the work, we uncover our part, and by carefully sailing towards soul alignment (natural being—no effort—authentic self-expression), we eventually arrive at our part. And our part is unique to us. That part is direct experience of the soul in complete self-expression (total vulnerability); hence is created effortlessly like a flower emits its fragrance. 

In total vulnerability (without images/ direct experience of soul), I speak the truth confidently, my songs carry themselves, and I disappear into the words. The work meditates on me as much as I meditate on the work. I disappear into the act, and that is Yoga. That is devotional work. The result of that selfless act is potent work. 

Potent in the sense that it was not created by an image but by direct experience. 
Bathing in meditation, I create work, and that work comes alive. That potent work draws the right hearts naturally. Neither the creation nor the distribution of the work takes effort. 

Potent Work Attracts (Potency Is The Marketing) 
Potent Work Sells
Potency Vs. Force 

About Lila Tace

I document my chain of art, my joy, and my frustration. This is my story in songs—one uninterrupted arch of an artist's journey. I'm a folk singer-songwriter, but honestly, I'm just a fool in love with scribbling poems on sheets of paper.