Lila Tace

July 11, 2024

The secret to immortality.

The Secret To Immortality.

Divine River Of Life
Will you carry me?
Divine Ocean Of Bliss
Will you bury me?
Divine Water Of Knowledge
Will you reveal to me?
The Secret To Immortality

Hail, River Divine
Your stream sounds so pure
Hail, Ocean Supreme
Shall I just let me go?
My splintered, scattered self
At once, your waves devour

I am just a tiny bird
Painted on your sky
I am just a loyal slave
Your one and only wife

You stripped me of my sanity
Now, I forgot my name
A minute drop of blood
Wipe away the stain

Now I'm drinking of your holy wine
You are all I see
A drunken fool in ecstasy
A leaf upon your tree

With nothing left to do
But playing dead with you
Until you kick me out
To write a song or two

About Lila Tace

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