Lila Tace

August 6, 2024

What I learned from reading 'Elon Musk', by Walter Isaacson.

Elon never considers himself. He considers himself last. He gives his existence to the highest leverage/ ROI of the expended energy of his vessel to sentient beings. That's why everything (most) works for him. Because it works for the world. His viewpoint is the highest and most whole I have seen. It put tears in my eyes. He doesn't consider his money and comfort. He considers the highest impact on the world and humanity.

Is his self-sacrifice a trauma response from his childhood? Does he consider anything but the highest impact? Does the end justify the means?

Best book I have read.

About Lila Tace

I document my chain of art, my joy, and my frustration. This is my story in songs—one uninterrupted arch of an artist's journey. I'm a folk singer-songwriter, but honestly, I'm just a fool in love with scribbling poems on sheets of paper.