Maneetpaul Singh

April 19, 2021

"I had an idea, but..."

Dear Friend & Subscriber,

Over the weekend, I had a conversation with a friend who had an idea for creating digital content six years ago. 

The problem? They never did. 

We discussed how if he started then, he probably would have been very successful. The industry was just starting at the time, and he would have been one of the early Creators in the niche he had in mind. 

I then asked what's stopping him from starting today: 

  • "It's too late now"
  • "That's a really public thing to do"
  • "I should have started then, I can't now"

What I didn't realize during our conversation was that I started my YouTube channel just over six years ago.
I spent the majority of my first six years learning the ropes and gaining the confidence to put myself out there. I didn't just become a YouTuber overnight.
When someone says it's too late to start, their mindset is shortsighted.
Growing a digital audience and building a personal brand takes time. Yes, starting 10 years ago would have been ideal, but if you start today, you'll be thanking yourself 10 years from now.
“But I can’t put myself out there so publicly”
When starting, you aren't going to be posting content as publicly as someone who's been doing it for a few years.
The truth is, your work will barely be seen by anyone. It will take months of consistency before your audience grows.
What it all comes down to is simple:
Start today.
Create for nobody but yourself.

Maneetpaul Singh

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