Maneetpaul Singh

March 23, 2021

Planting Your Flag on Social Media as a Creator

Dear Friend & Subscriber,

There are two types of individuals that use social media: 

People-Watchers: Those that passively use social media to consume content and post occasionally 

Creators: Those that plant their flag and actively create content to build a personal brand 

Being a creator doesn't mean posting a crazy amount of content. 

Yes, there are creators that take social media more seriously than others. But that doesn't mean you need to be posting every single day to be classified as a creator. 

Actively publishing valuable content back into the world on a frequent basis, regardless of how often that means for you, is what makes you a creator. 

Being a creator doesn't require having a specific niche. 

Planting your flag may sound like making a public declaration telling the world exactly what your niche is. 

That's not how it works. 

Planting your flag means being intentional regarding the content you post. Even if you have multiple different interests, being intentional will allow you to take ownership of what people associate when they think of you. 

There's nothing wrong with being a people-watcher.

Playing the game of social media is not for most people. Putting yourself out there isn't easy. And creating consistent intentional content is even harder. 

But I'd argue there is a small percentage of individuals who want to leverage these tools to their advantage. A small percentage of people who want to be creators, not just consumers. 

Most don't even realize there's a choice. Now that you're aware, which one will you choose?

Maneetpaul Singh

I post a new essay every day, but to prevent spamming your inbox I only choose to email a few of them each week. Here are my previous HEY World posts.

  • On Twitter and Instagram I post content about personal branding
  • My YouTube channel is primarily focused on tech
  • If you'd like to support my work, considering forwarding this to a friend

Thank you for reading.