(A few thoughts before the workout, mainly to get myself to work out)
Motivation is nothing without discipline. Discipline is nothing without motivation.
One leads to another.
It's rare for the two to happen at the same time.
(More thoughts after the workout, thanks to mental clarity that comes with it)
Let’s explain the obvious
Nothing above is new. It is, however, an attempt balance the two extremities.
For a while it has all been about (extrinsic) motivation. For example, work out to get a six pack or look great for the summer or whatever.
These days, motivation is for the wimps. Now it’s all about the grind, discipline, consistency, showing up.
All true. However, why show up if there’s no reason to? We’re not machines, we can’t just program ourselves to do something (well we kinda can but it’s a topic for a different post!).
We need motivation to keep us going. And while extrinsic motivation works sometimes, intrinsic is the real quality fuel here.
Which brings us to the second point...
Let’s talk doses
In order for the loop to work, we need the right amounts of both motivation and discipline.
Not enough of either can break the loop.
The right dose of motivation is dependent on quality and the right dose of discipline is dependent on quantity.
For example, going back to extrinsic motivation: while it’s enough to get us to think about showing up, is it enough to actually get us to show up?
Personally, whenever I know it’s time to go work out, it feels much more freeing to think “I’m doing it for myself, no one is forcing me to, I don’t have to go, but I love how it feels afterwards physically and mentally, it makes me a better person, girlfriend, daughter, coworker”.
On the contrary, thinking things like “I need to got work out to get a six pack” feels much more constricting. It makes me feel like I’m not good enough the way I am whereas the former is more like “I’m all good the way I’m now and this is my chance to get a little bit better, not just for myself and not just physically”.
There’s more quality to intrinsic motivation, it’s more effective at encouraging you to show up.
Now, getting back from discipline to motivation is all about quantity. Showing up only once or twice won’t give results. Showing up ten times will. Results will motivate you to show up another ten times.
Let’s talk simultaneity
I wish, I really wish I always felt motivated to work out and motivated while I was working out.
Unfortunately it’s not how it works. Often, movement creates motivation (endorphins at play). Sometimes not and it happens hours, days, months later.