Matias Jaramillo

September 1, 2024

Guarded Genius: Imagining Ad Agencies' Shift to Proprietary AI APIs

A while back we had a conversation about merging Advertising with creator philosophies. Today I would like to keep within the subject of advertising and its possible future evolution brought up by new tech, consumer trends and pop culture. This time I want to discuss a thought I had the other day. I was fantasizing about the future and...
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July 20, 2024

Creative Automation vs. Creative Services - An AI Perspective

Hello GPT. I've been publishing conversations I have with various LLMs. These discussions focus on advertising and creative services and are then published on my personal LinkedIn space. Today it is your turn. Should we start? -- Hello, Matias! I'm excited to be part of your LinkedIn series. Let's get started. What specific aspects of ...
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June 21, 2024

Hey Perplexity, what did we learn from Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity 2024?

Hi Perplexity. Are you familiar with the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity 2024? I was wondering if i could ask you a question about it. From what you could gather from this event, what are your thoughts on how advertising and marketing will be evolving in the coming year? -- Yes, I'm familiar with the Cannes Lions Inte...
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June 10, 2024

From Agency to 'Creative House' Party: A New Way to Work?

Hello Meta. I am interested about having a short conversation with you about two concepts that I believe go well together or are somehow connected. On one side I am thinking about what the future of what advertising agencies could look like in the near future. Here my thoughts are that we could advertising could use the "creator house"...
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June 5, 2024

Conversation with my AI friends: Merging Advertising and Creator Philosophies

Hi Claude. I would like to discuss with you the challenges that advertising agencies face as they adapt to the evolution of creativity. I am interested in comparing social media creator houses and advertising agencies. I believe that we could learn from both fields and create something new by merging some of their philosophies. This co...
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June 2, 2024

Conversation with my AI friends: An agency called DADA

Hello Gemini, I have been thinking about the attitude an advertising agency should have in today's market. The other day, I was reading on Wikipedia the definition for the word DADA. I thought that this DADA philosophy could be a great blueprint for a new advertising agency model that would make sense in today's pop culture context. A ...
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