Micah Malloy

October 5, 2021

LinkedIn cold calls are too cold

How many times per week do you receive an email from LinkedIn saying you have a message? So excited, you click the link, wondering who is interested in you or your thoughts on something. When the page loads, you seem to have only cold call messages now. So frustrating!

"Dear Micah, I hope this message finds you well."

It has been many years since I signed up for LinkedIn. I don't remember why I joined, but I do not think it was to add to my digital cold call load. Unfortunately, between my work email and now LinkedIn, the number of cold-call emails has risen to the obnoxious level.

I am not sure how much it costs to send mass cold-call emails on LinkedIn, but I know that I have only responded to one in several years. I would love to see the sales deck and supporting data that LinkedIn is using to pitch this stuff.

With Apple's new email security features, email marketers will have a more challenging time reaching prospects. As a result, I wonder if marketing companies will use LinkedIn and other social media messaging portals more often?

Many years ago, before I canceled my Facebook account, I removed all of my "Friends" that I did not really know. My digital life was too cluttered and I needed some digital peace. 

I feel that LinkedIn is making my digital life cluttered once more. Each day I am invited to connect to someone I have never met and constantly cold-called. How much time do I want to invest in LinkedIn anymore? The answer is coming into view with each passing day.
