
October 16, 2024

Smallest bites to keep you happy


I like good chocolate. But I also know and understand that no chocolate worth a bite will net less than 55 calories for a 10 gram bite. Between cocoa butter, cocoa, cream, nuts, milk etc, it is going to yield that much. 

It makes no difference what sweetener you add, cause all the ingredients that make chocolate great tasting contain far more calories than sugar. 

Below is Fabelles chocolate ganache. They cut it into cuboids that weigh 6.5 grams. This yields 36 calories. It’s a perfect bite size. 

Rather confusingly, the box says a serving is two of these bites. But it’s easy stop at one. As long you don’t swallow the damn piece like a child. 

There’s a sugar free version that contains 4 percent fewer calories. Yaay? 

Both taste good. The lesson for companies. More than any empty promises, slick branding, solving world peace or fixing relationships, food companies need to make much smaller servings with better ingredients. Smaller servings with clear calorie markings that people understand and can actually use. 

And it should be clear when you are indulging for pleasure and not eating for the business of better body composition. Right now companies make you believe the former and latter can come in the same package (it very rarely does).

About Adarsh

- I run a strength and conditioning facility in Chennai, India
- I work with my clients to make training and eating for better body composition a part of everyday life
- I coach online and in-person
- I design and manufacture strength training equipment for use in our strength training facility