
October 16, 2024

The soul in buying stuff

What is the opposite of cheaper, faster and better ? These are the three core ideas of a modern urban consumer. 

I don’t think it is more expensive, slow and inferior. 

Building gym equipment, bags and some furniture over the last ten years has convinced me that the opposite of cheaper, faster and better is more of the sticker price spent on materials and makers, deliberate and bespoke. 

I don’t think the quality of goods is getting better at a lower price. As things get cheaper and more is spent marketing and selling goods, the final build quality of the product or service will suffer. 

The materials will be relatively inferior. It may appear polished but the build quality will be less than robust. But this is what consumers want. 

The anti-thesis of cheaper is pricing that factors for the life cycle and disposal of a product. 

The anti-thesis of faster is deliberate. Where we spend time and energy considering the utility and quality of what we purchase or consume. 

Better for me is bespoke. Something that requires craft and consideration. 

Consumption is a personal, economic and social necessity. But it can’t be soulless. And it most certainly it can’t be wanton or unsustainable.

About Adarsh

- I run a strength and conditioning facility in Chennai, India
- I work with my clients to make training and eating for better body composition a part of everyday life
- I coach online and in-person
- I design and manufacture strength training equipment for use in our strength training facility