The less time you have to dedicate in a day to activity, it becomes crucial that you spend all of the little time you have in a day to build muscle and move as many joints through as many range as you possibly can.
If you have fewer than 3 hours a week to spend on being active. And most of us actually have only that much time. You should spend it on the activity that can retain or pack as much mobility, strength, muscle and power that you possibly can.
If you spend the little time you have in a day on activity solely with the intention to burn calories, you are not spending your time in the best way possible to improve quality of life and joint health.
You could pick any mode of resistance training: plyometrics, calisthenics, powerlifting, bodybuilding, movement-skill or even sensible circuit training. They are all much more useful adaptations than just walking or running for those short on time.
If you have fewer than 3 hours a week to spend on being active. And most of us actually have only that much time. You should spend it on the activity that can retain or pack as much mobility, strength, muscle and power that you possibly can.
If you spend the little time you have in a day on activity solely with the intention to burn calories, you are not spending your time in the best way possible to improve quality of life and joint health.
You could pick any mode of resistance training: plyometrics, calisthenics, powerlifting, bodybuilding, movement-skill or even sensible circuit training. They are all much more useful adaptations than just walking or running for those short on time.