
- I run a strength and conditioning facility in Chennai, India
- I work with my clients to make training and eating for better body composition a part of everyday life
- I coach online and in-person
- I design and manufacture strength training equipment for use in our strength training facility
October 16, 2024

The voluntary con

Most people are just aching to be conned and/or overpay for shortcuts that don’t exist. ‘Smart’ devices and supplements top the list of things people will overpay for hoping it is some vague proxy for portion control or a calorie deficit. It is not. You are never going to lose more than a few kgs. And even if that happens by some inadv...
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October 16, 2024

Mindful movement

Natural movement versus movement designed with a very specific outcome in mind There’s an entire cottage industry dedicated to teaching humans to move as intended or they were built to move. But this begs the question: Is there an optimal way to move? What is the opposite of natural movement ? Is it contrived movement ? Or is it no mov...
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