Nick Seferos

March 16, 2021

Business is built on trust

I recently had a new vendor completely destroy my trust while I was half way down the sales pipeline. They had a massive data breach which, yes made me uncomfortable but, exposed that what they said they did with my data and what they actually did were two different things. It got me thinking about how we form nuisances relationships -...
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March 11, 2021

Incubated into the wrong market

Today someone recommended I take a look at a start up they found. They said the start up might be useful and something we could use. They weren’t 100% sure but recommended we took a look. I said thank you and opened their website. The first thing I saw: buzzword, buzzword, industry jargon, buzzword, backed by this VC, incubated by this...
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March 9, 2021

Bye Bye EDI

EDI is old fashioned. Logistics businesses need to advance to a modern approach to sharing data, with an API. Checkout my new project at
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March 9, 2021

JAMStack vs. HOTWire

Over the past year I’ve been playing around with a bunch of different full stack frameworks. I learned ruby and rails but it felt like the rails framework was falling behind modern frameworks. Oh great, time to get down and dirty with React or Vue. I spent some time learning React, Vue, RedwoodJS, & Blitz.js. Each promising to be more ...
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March 4, 2021

Hey World!

Hello there big wide world! I think I'll be using this for some random thoughts. My full blog posts will be available here:
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