Joshua Pangborn

August 21, 2024

Using ServerSideUp PHP Docker Image to Deploy Kirby CMS

Kirby CMS is a fantastic content management system that is simple to use and manage. I have used it to create a number of websites and have used various deployment strategies. Lately, I have used Kamal to deploy Laravel applications as it simplifies server provisioning and zero-downtime deployment. It was time to upgrade the server for...
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August 21, 2024

Enabling SSL on Traefik using Kamal

I previously posted on Deploying a Laravel App with Kamal using the ServerSideUP PHP Docker image. At the end of the article, we were deploying a Laravel application to a single server, but ready for deployment to multiple servers behind a load balancer. But that is often overkill for small applications or websites. If that is the case...
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May 18, 2024

Deploying a Laravel App with Kamal

I’ve been working on a new app in Laravel and was ready to deploy it so I could begin using an early version. Kamal has been on my radar as a deployment tool to simplify server setup and deployment, while maintaining flexibility on future choices, like cloud vendor or even my own servers. The Kamal documentation and early tutorial vide...
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