Rafael Slonik

March 20, 2021

Anxiety about going all in

Hey world, I have something on my mind that I'd like to share today.

Anxious people keep worrying about the future because it is uncertain to them what will happen. Those who cannot believe in a future will not trust in this or that move in the present.

I see this in my behavior these days. I have a love and hate affair with programming. I like to explore programming and to build things. But this hobby trespass into my real work as I think I can do things all by myself. The fact is that I can't anymore.

In a typical day in my e-commerce company I need to go from speaking with chinese suppliers to writing frontend and backend code. Dealing with the insane international freight prices levels to make a package and take it to the courier company.

Less busy than starting days when I need to talk to customers, do all the financial and accounting stuff, design graphic stuff, write product pages, deal with marketplaces offers and all. But as the company grows it is still a lot to do.

Recently I was able to delegate a lot. But not the programming stuff.

"This stuff I know and like, I can do it". But the reality is that I can't. A hobby won't do it.

Then I start to worry about letting programming go away. Because the future is uncertain, specially these times when people are dying by the thousands in my country and the president just don't care - economy is sinking hard, prices are spiking, dollar never this high.

What if my business fails? What am I going to do? I can work remote and earn some strong currency like dollar or euro. And what the kind of work can I do? Programming.

So, you know, anxious people cannot believe in a future and this affects present day decisions, thus creating more problems, worries, snowballing into a monster.

I'd like to share that with you because helps me think how to solve it. I need to be able to let go. To dive deep in the uncertainty. I won't ever live without anxiety, I know that. So I need to learn how to overcome just a bit. Death by a Thousand Cuts (in this case a Life by Thousand Small-believe-in-yourself Moments).

If you identify yourself with some of this, please subscribe below. And if you'd like to talk to me about this: rafael at hey dot com.