Rafael Slonik

April 22, 2021

People love walked paths

Why predefined paths are so appealing to people? Education and religion are two areas where you have only a bunch of predefined paths to follow. Some are enforced by law (like children education) and some by moral grounds (like how to behave in this or that situation). In a business view you have a clear example on predefined path that...
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March 20, 2021

Anxiety about going all in

Hey world, I have something on my mind that I'd like to share today. Anxious people keep worrying about the future because it is uncertain to them what will happen. Those who cannot believe in a future will not trust in this or that move in the present. I see this in my behavior these days. I have a love and hate affair with programmin...
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March 5, 2021

Iteration is the mother of Perfection

One should strive for perfection. And that is a long road to walk. I always had this dream when I was a child. Just before waking up to go to school I stood in bed and crossed the fine border line into sleeping and start to dream about what I needed to do. This dreaming of getting up, brushing teeth, eating breakfast, dressing and walk...
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March 5, 2021

Why my business fail?

I was reading some advice on the importance of selling and one thought clicked in my head, let me share that with you. Children are raised (at least where I am from) protected from all the world's dangers. Our parents give us love, food, attention. Most of us have this for granted, at least in some level. So, we think we deserve. Then ...
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March 4, 2021

HEY World, I am back to blogging

I am struggling for some time now to start to write again. I've had personal blogs in the past and recently I missed so much to have a space to try to express in words some of the things in my head. Now HEY, from Basecamp, out of nowhere came up with this blog thing directly from your email. Whatahell. Just in time when I was again doi...
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