Riley Nottingham

May 31, 2021

#11 Short Car Trip

Yesterday I was walking through the carpark at my local supermarket when a woman flagged me down.

Taking my headphones out (the ones with cords, none of this wireless malarkey!), she repeated again in her French accent, “Can you help?” 

Her car’s rear right-hand wheel was up against the curb, quite close and she didn’t have the confidence in getting it out again.

At her request, I hopped into the driver’s seat, did some manoeuvring forwards and back, and reparked the car. 

How lovely and unguarded to so readily ask me to do that! I was stoked to be able to help. 

Maybe I have a trustworthy face, or perhaps she has a trusting personality... or maybe I was the only person in her field of vision at that time. It takes two to tango. 

Thankyou, kind carpark lady, for demonstrating trust and kindness even during this challenging time.