Riley Nottingham

July 3, 2021

#43 A Home

It is lovely to have a home, to welcome people into. Some people don’t even have that.
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July 2, 2021

#42 Biiiiig Place

The world is such a big place. Really, it is. You will almost always see people again.
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June 30, 2021

#41 Big Cups

My favourite purchase of the last month is without a doubt my giant mugs. They’re about 500ml so two regular cups’ worth. Fill it to the brim with coffee, tea or even water... less need to go back to the tap. Mwahahaha. #lifehack
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June 30, 2021

#40 Day Done

The day is done! The war is won. But - it wasn’t a war.... It was just some fun.
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June 29, 2021

#39 Bad is Good

I’m not sure if I’ve shared this before, but when I come across a cafe or business with terrible customer service, a bad product or faulty systems I think it’s awesome. Don’t get me wrong; I love great establishments much more! But why the fondness for poor places? Because - the fact that bad businesses can succeed in this world gives ...
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June 28, 2021

#38 A Few Years

In a few years, the world will be different to how it is now. (Duh, Riley!) In retrospect, you’ll probably laugh about things you are stressed about now. And anything you are stressing about now... it probably won’t seem as important looking back. You might wonder why it seemed so vital at the time. Instead of money or work, you may fi...
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June 27, 2021

#37 Food Courts

Food courts could be called food floors or food places. Who decided food court was the best term? Similarly, who decided medical doctors to be separate to dentists, and the concept of 9-5? Just because something ‘is’ doesn’t mean there’s any good reason.
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June 26, 2021

#36 Outliers

Being different is almost always a good thing. We all want to be unique, and special - but also want to fit in and be part of something. The curious conundrum.
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June 25, 2021

#35 Holding the River

If you stick your hand in a river, and close your fist, your fist is closed in some running water. You have to open your hand to feel the water. To really feel the river. Does that kinda make sense?
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June 24, 2021

#34 Writing in the Mornings

This morning I wrote, fairly free flow, for about three hours! It was wonderful! I love waking up early and it’s almost exercise for the mind to just write - thoughts, ideas, whatever - you choose the structure, you choose the paper, you choose the pen. Highly recommend.
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June 23, 2021

#33 No More

I’m making changes.
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June 22, 2021

#32 Do I have to?

No. You don't ever have to. The question is, "Do you want to?"
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June 21, 2021

#31 Listening

It is lovely to have someone to listen to you. Sometimes, it’s all someone needs. Is there someone you can listen to today?
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June 20, 2021

#30 Decisions

How do you make them? Where do they go? When you decide something, How does one know? If you choose something now, What happens in one year... Should you always hold off Til things are more clear? Decisions, decisions, There’s no clear cut path. Maybe have a hot shower, A nice, long bath. Do you know what to do? Have you now made a cho...
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June 19, 2021

#29 Health

Health is Happiness. When you get sick, it’s a great reminder of how crappy life is during those times. Almost nothing else matters - not financial reward, not career-based achievement - if you don’t feel healthy.
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June 18, 2021

#28 TV Lunch (not dinners!)

An Ode to Lunch on a TV Set: What will be for lunch today, A delicious sandwich or Crème brûlée? One’s a dessert more than a savoury meal, So what are we eating, what is the deal!
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June 16, 2021

#27 Back on Set

We’ve been filming for a while but I just want to say how exciting it is to be making season 2 of a show I love, Metro Sexual. Very grateful to be able to tackle this especially at a super challenging time during history. “Lights, camera, action!”
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June 16, 2021

#26 Printer

Do you have an at-home printer? I use it so much. I love it! Recycled paper is best.
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June 15, 2021

#25 Rehearse like you perform

My acting teacher once told me, “Rehearse like you perform.” What does that mean to me? It means if you are going through certain parts of your life with any of these phrases sounding familiar (list below) you are probably, potentially, almost certainly doomed to fail in whatever you are trying to achieve OR it is a significant sign th...
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June 14, 2021

#24 Inconsistency

"Eeep! Okay, new tactic!" It's completely fine to suddenly change direction. Sometimes people have beliefs that they are an inconsistent person. I sometimes identify as this. To me, it has a negative connotation. Inconsistency = bad. I have now realised another, and equally true, way to put this is: I try lots of different things. And ...
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June 13, 2021

#23 No Answers Here

Why are we good at some things, and not so good at others? Sometimes I feel I am really, really good at doing something, and at different times I feel I am quite lousy at a thing. Sometimes I feel I am doing really, really well. Other times, not so much. Or the total opposite. We've all heard the phrase, "You got out of the wrong side ...
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June 11, 2021

#22 Big Little Wins

Does everyone's body and mind hit a certain point where it breaks down? I'll be 30 soon, and to some of you, dear readers, this will seem so young. To others, soooooo old! Today I achieved a couple things. Three actually. 1) I meditated two days in a row for the first time in my life. I think I'll continue. 2) I abstained from coffee a...
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June 11, 2021

#21 Wonderful Doctor

For a long time I have been the first to say that most GPs are lousy. No offence to any GPs reading this, especially any who I know personally - you are probably wonderful if I have come to see you anytime since 2015. But we all know the stereotype. In and out. Quick check, prescribe some antibiotics, pop a pill, you're on your way. I'...
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June 9, 2021

#20 A Sign?

I write much better in the mornings. My ideas seem to flow a bit easier. Did you know (of course you couldn’t!) that as soon as I started hand-writing this blog post, my pen ran out of ink? I’d used this very pen for weeks without issue. Could it be that the one change I made (journaling and writing first thing in the morning) caused t...
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June 9, 2021

#19 Confusion

I feel a bit confused today. I’m confused why I’m confused. Maybe it’s the weather. It is very windy.
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June 7, 2021

#18 Someplace

A fireplace is a place of fire. A workplace is a place of work (well, that’s the theory. How much work do you get done there, really?) A someplace is a place of... some... fun? Some thing? Some level of possibility and potential? “I’m sure it’s someplace around here and I know I’ll get somewhere with this soon.” ‘Someplace’ and ‘somewh...
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June 7, 2021

#17 Nineties Baby

Age of Empires Red Alert Goldeneye Zelda: Ocarina of Time Runescape Wagon Wheels Mario Kart 64 Another World All these things still bring me such joy. What’s your favourite joy of the past?
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June 6, 2021

#16 Sitting & Standing

If you are reading this whilst sitting down right now, stand up. There. Doesn't that feel nice? Too much standing can muck you around; so can sitting. As with so many things in life, exercising balance is a wonderful thing to do.
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June 5, 2021

#15 Time to do nothing

You don’t always have to do something. If you have these moments where you are doing ‘nothing’, know it will pass in its own time. Why? Well, it’s actually very boring to sit and stare at the wall for too long, and scrolling through social media or browsing streaming platforms will eventually get lame too. So don’t worry about whether ...
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June 4, 2021

#14 Chicken or the Egg

When you embark upon something new and get in the flow, when you are putting out a sign to the universe: "This is what I'm doing. That's right! THIS!" and you notice something else happening too, what does that mean? Let me explain. Let's say you make the decision that you want to start connecting more with people, making more eye cont...
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