Riley Nottingham

June 11, 2021

#22 Big Little Wins

Does everyone's body and mind hit a certain point where it breaks down? I'll be 30 soon, and to some of you, dear readers, this will seem so young. To others, soooooo old!

Today I achieved a couple things. Three actually.

1) I meditated two days in a row for the first time in my life. I think I'll continue.
2) I abstained from coffee and indeed caffeine (yes, I am one of those occasionally-drinks-sugarfree-Red-Bulls people) for four and a bit days. Now this may not seem like a huge achievement, but the caffeine withdrawal headaches were a very real thing. It's brought a mindfulness to when I have coffee now; I truly enjoy it.
3) Finally, I moved 'taking out the trash' off my habits tracking app as I know it is now a practice; something I do because I value what it does for our environment, my environment and my life.

All little wins but full of meaning for me. So I'll take 'em!