Riley Nottingham

June 4, 2021

#14 Chicken or the Egg

When you embark upon something new and get in the flow, when you are putting out a sign to the universe: "This is what I'm doing. That's right! THIS!" and you notice something else happening too, what does that mean?

Let me explain.

Let's say you make the decision that you want to start connecting more with people, making more eye contact, as a new habit. That day (the way you have found this new goal!), you go for a stroll and for the first time ever, you have a conversation with a random stranger because they drop their wallet and you pick it up and give it to them, etc. etc.

Now... did that happen because you were focussed more on making eye contact with humans, or would it have happened regardless of this new choice you made in your life? Which comes first?

I have no idea, myself. But it is certainly interesting to think about.