Riley Nottingham

June 13, 2021

#23 No Answers Here

Why are we good at some things, and not so good at others?

Sometimes I feel I am really, really good at doing something, and at different times I feel I am quite lousy at a thing.

Sometimes I feel I am doing really, really well. Other times, not so much. Or the total opposite.

We've all heard the phrase, "You got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning."

Does that indicate a crappy mood? Bad thoughts? Bad dreams that have led to bad thoughts? A bad perspective? Can you change it, if you do indeed wake up feeling annoyed, grumpy, perturbed, etc.? Can you alter how you perceive the world or is that just 'it' for the rest of the day?

I remember in primary school teachers were extraordinarily good at being happy and calm until a certain situation or student would cause a, "Tommy, I said NO!" but then the teacher would go straight back into tranquility. Maybe teachers could give classes in how they can swing from such extremes... perhaps it is a mark of being in the moment. Or maybe it's insanity!

Anywho, as always I have no answers, only questions...