"Eeep! Okay, new tactic!"
It's completely fine to suddenly change direction.
Sometimes people have beliefs that they are an inconsistent person. I sometimes identify as this.
To me, it has a negative connotation. Inconsistency = bad.
I have now realised another, and equally true, way to put this is:
I try lots of different things.
And I feel bloody great when it's put like that.
Be careful of the story you tell yourself, about yourself.
"I'm a person who XYZ."
"I always XYZ."
"I wish I could do that but I can't XYZ."
What we think, we are.
It's completely fine to suddenly change direction.
Sometimes people have beliefs that they are an inconsistent person. I sometimes identify as this.
To me, it has a negative connotation. Inconsistency = bad.
I have now realised another, and equally true, way to put this is:
I try lots of different things.
And I feel bloody great when it's put like that.
Be careful of the story you tell yourself, about yourself.
"I'm a person who XYZ."
"I always XYZ."
"I wish I could do that but I can't XYZ."
What we think, we are.