Rodrigo Lima Jaroszewski

December 15, 2024

People demand too much of online web framework courses

This is a thought I shared on the Ruby Brasil WhatsApp group, when a user manifested that there's no course now that helps a beginner or a React developer to move into Ruby on Rails. This is not about Ruby on Rails, it's about any course on any web framework nowadays.

A Ruby on Rails course is tasked with the gargantuan task of teaching you:
  • how to install Ruby;
  • how to write Ruby;
  • how Object Oriented Programming;
  • how monkey typing works;
  • how to install Ruby on Rails;
  • how the MVC architecture works;
  • how routing works;
  • how databases work; etc.

This is not reasonable to ask from anyone to build by himself in his basement with a camera. You need exercises, tests, and a lot of dedication from your teacher to review all of that. You can learn all of these things using Ruby as a learning platform, then Rails as a helpful framework to learn the web and architectural side of things, but this is easily a two-year course if you break it into manageable parts.

In Brazil, the Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas course (translated to "Analysis and Development of Systems") is made for that. Although I don't know if there are courses like that in other countries, I wouldn't be surprised if they exist.

About Rodrigo Lima Jaroszewski

Brazilian nerd from Porto Alegre, born in 1984. At heart, a problem solver and a solution builder. Currently a Ruby on Rails developer, an achiement after learning how to code at age 35. Before that, an IT worker, tech support representative, salesperson, administrator, and manager. Loves to be a pretend racecar driver and space ninja in his spare time.