Rodrigo Lima Jaroszewski

Brazilian nerd from Porto Alegre, born in 1984. At heart, a problem solver and a solution builder. Currently a Ruby on Rails developer, an achiement after learning how to code at age 35. Before that, an IT worker, tech support representative, salesperson, administrator, and manager. Loves to be a pretend racecar driver and space ninja in his spare time.
December 15, 2024

People demand too much of online web framework courses

This is a thought I shared on the Ruby Brasil WhatsApp group, when a user manifested that there's no course now that helps a beginner or a React developer to move into Ruby on Rails. This is not about Ruby on Rails, it's about any course on any web framework nowadays. A Ruby on Rails course is tasked with the gargantuan task of teachin...
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October 16, 2024

The World needs non-founders

I learned about myself around a decade ago that I wasn't founder material. I'm incapable of visualizing something from nothing, which is (to me) the defining talent necessary to be a founder. However, I'm pretty good at helping a founder bring his vision to market. Unfortunately, the World doesn't seem to care nearly as much as it shou...
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September 20, 2024

Just sad

Today, I'm here hearing the sounds of a possum trotting around the backyard and thinking of all the ways I'm allowing myself to sabotage my own progress in life. I can't go on trying to please people, trying to say what they think they want to hear. But then, this was what I did all my life, and it's hard to think of some other way to ...
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July 8, 2024

The Correct Amount Of Compression

Just after publishing my previous post about TailwindCSS, I took part in yet another discussion about the framework over what I believe is another misconception: that TailwindCSS is somehow against the Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle. This is far from the truth. The DRY principle, in my experience, is stretched beyond its meaning...
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June 30, 2024

The two main concepts behind TailwindCSS

Design from the smallest screen size to the biggest, instead of biggest to smallest; sizes are calculated referencing 4px as 1 unit. These are the two most important concepts of TailwindCSS, but they're not understood nor followed nowhere near enough. The first is a mental model based on the current state of web development, where the ...
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April 28, 2024

Being confidently humble

While reading this wonderful X thread by @dieworkwear about how Tristan Tate erroneously confuses his style as one matching that of Cary Grant, a thought crossed my mind: it's so easy to fall into a trap of your own ego. This goes both ways, for being too humble is just as bad as being too confident, but the later seems worst to me, as...
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March 21, 2024

How Language Servers work, by example

TJ deVries' work has been amazing at teaching intermediate level programming. This space is starving for efforts like these. Learn By Building: Language Server Protocol (on YouTube)
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March 10, 2024

Note To Self On IDEs

Some languages demand IDEs. Some don't. On those who don't, you can't get any value from an IDE until a certain level of skill. Once you stop fighting the syntax and basic programming concepts, you can finally enjoy the power the IDE gives you. That's until you're good enough at the language, and your knowledge is big enough on how to ...
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March 4, 2024

Giving yourself credit is hard

I've spent most of my days doing things and never listing them on paper. I never celebrated a milestone or achievement, as they went by without receiving any notice from me. Whenever you feel like what your time flew by, stop to remember and list the things you did. Almost always, I get tired before I finish, because there's just too m...
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