Saif Ali Shaik

September 4, 2022

Twenty Four

Nowadays, I find joy alone. I think it's part of growing up. I am starting to accept change is constant. I am learning not to distract from feelings but to walk through them. It will be the most significant transformation I will be proud of myself. I don't see a need for validation.

 I treat myself as someone I'm responsible for helping. 

The time to prove myself is past me. I stopped being that kid in college, trying to drive initiatives. I stopped taking total ownership of work initiatives and began having win-win conversations. That's something away from self-centered.

I am starting to learn beyond bounded certifications and courses and translate learning appetite into habits. I never imagined I would begin taking courses on macroeconomics and taxes one day. Well, here I am trying to understand companies' earning reports.

Definitions of interviews have wholly changed. It once meant that I was giving interviews to request employment today; it meant finding someone for my team. I begin to see what I don't want if I ever want to find a different opportunity.

I experienced complicated relationships to the extent that I'm fully self-aware of my feelings and judgments. No one can influence me. Employing decisiveness has grown over 10x times. It now feels both lighter and right to confess. I can now stand straight with my shoulders back.

I traveled enough to be courageous and express myself. Traveling alone helped me learn to stand up on my own feet. 

We see what we aim for. The single most learning I had in a long time. I guess I will need to change what I'm aiming at to shift what I'm seeing. So powerful!

Two years since I bore my grandfather's coffin, I now grasped that death is natural. The state of acceptance is the first signal of adultery.

It has become familiar to lose friends when efforts from both sides disappear. At the same time, I learned to double down my efforts to make friends who genuinely desire the best for us.

I repaid my education loan a few months ago. Well, that’s a milestone that taught me to find the balance between sacrifices and standard of living. Find what fits my living curve.

So much for finding peace in the mid-20s and yet managing chaos.

About Saif Ali Shaik

Hey, I'm Saif. Writing is one of my favorite habits. I journal about my learnings for the world to read. Some appreciate it if that adds value. This page you are seeing is my only social media. Welcome to my World of shower thoughts!