Sam Radford

January 10, 2022

A reading frenzy

It’s fair to say I’ve started 2022 with a reading frenzy. I’ve finished six books already!

I’m well on the way through another two books too.

My new Kindle Paperwhite is a factor in this.

I bought it with Christmas money having long resisted. I felt that the combination of my iPhone and iPad, along with still buying plenty of physical books, was enough. 

A separate, dedicated reading device seemed unnecessary.

My daughter got a Kindle for Christmas though and, after trying it out, I was quickly convinced of its benefits.

I’ve not looked back. A dedicated reading device that, literally, I can use for nothing else is perfect. 

The truth is that I don’t have space for the number of books I read. I will still buy physical books, but moving forward I can see eighty percent of my reading happening on my Kindle now.

I love the screen! Not being glossy makes a real difference. That too was something I wasn’t convinced of until I actually used one. 

All said, I set out on the year wanting to read more and spend less time on social media and watching TV. To date, the Kindle is helping me with that ambition. 

I’ll stop there. This wasn’t intended as an advert for Kindles!

If you have any good book recommendations though, do let me know...


Got some thoughts on this? I’d love to hear from you—do hit reply or drop me a note.

@samradford |

About Sam Radford

Husband, father, lover of books, writer, tech geek, sports fan, and pragmatic idealist from Sheffield, England.