Scott Guthart

March 5, 2021

Fix Shift + UP and Shift + DOWN on Mac's

In Settings > Profiles > Keyboard add the following two entries: For Shift + DOWN Paste this in: \033[1;2B For Shift + UP Paste this in: \033[1;2A This allowed me to scroll the preview window in FZF using my keyboard.
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March 4, 2021

Basic Indexing with Pandas

Here's how to do indexing with Pandas. Pretend with have this DataFrame called snakes. type speed lifespan toxicity0 cobra 1 2 4 1 viper 4 5 1 2 python 7 8 9 Indexing By Column Using Column Names # just one column snakes['speed'] # multiple columns snakes[['speed', 'lifespan']] Using Column Numbers snake_columns = snakes.columns # just...
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March 4, 2021

TinyMCE in React

TinyMCE in React Here's how to setup TinyMCE in react using the "self-hosted" option, without TinyMCE cloud. Full Code TLDR import 'tinymce/tinymce'; import 'tinymce/icons/default'; import 'tinymce/themes/silver'; import 'tinymce/plugins/paste'; import 'tinymce/plugins/link'; import 'tinymce/plugins/image'; import 'tinymce/plugins/tabl...
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