Shoho Kozawa

April 8, 2023

Two must-read books to read for those born into Western culture who work with Japanese (and vice versa)

When I started working at an American company, I faced many challenges due to cultural differences. I often heard from my Western colleagues that Japanese people were unique. Although they respected Japanese culture, they sometimes had trouble understanding it.

I realized that cultural differences led to different ways of thinking and behaving. For example, Japanese people might be seen as "shy" when speaking in large groups. I used to think the same, but after reading two books, I understood it was a cultural difference. It can be hard for Americans to understand my culture, just as it can be hard for me to understand theirs. Working with people from Japan, Korea, or China may feel like working on another planet for some Westerners, and vice versa.

If you were raised in a Western culture and work with people from East Asian backgrounds (like Japanese, Korean, or Chinese), I recommend reading these two books. They will help you understand the challenges of working with people from East Asian cultures. I encourage my Western colleagues to read them as well. If you were raised in an East Asian culture and work with Westerners, I also recommend these books. By reading them, we can respect each other's cultures and work better together.

The first book is "The Geography of Thought" and the second is "Culture Map.” Read them in that order. For Japanese readers, the translated titles are:

These books will improve your understanding of cross-cultural communication and collaboration, allowing you to work more effectively while respecting each other's cultures.

I highly recommend them!

About Shoho Kozawa

Working@Google👨‍💻 Traveler✈️ Tesla 🚘 Angel investor👼 Wine Lover🍷Luck is where preparation meets opportunity🤞
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