Michael Smith Jr.

June 7, 2021

Da 425 :: Mesh

Happened across this the other day :: https://slate.com/technology/2021/06/amazon-sidewalk-mesh-network-experiment-privacy.html

I have no Amazon agenda with this even though it comes from Amazon.

Some form of mesh networking is coming since wireless is easier for solving connectivity issues than laying more cable. I don't know how best to fix that I might be sharing and not get anything in return but that will probably come someday as more of this happens.

I know there are apps, products and lots of other ways that folks are trying to solve this and allow people to make money which is cool but that is never gonna provide wide, global adoption like what Amazon is trying to do. 

I personally don't think the security is a big deal or do I care if it is turned on. I am curious to see how this goes and hope Amazon will figure out a way to show me that it's working and see how it's working.

I think a world where mesh works everywhere will help solve more interesting problems and will be cool to see where this goes. I suspect Amazon will not be the first mainstream company to try and get this going.

Bring on the mesh!