Michael Smith Jr.

May 24, 2021

Day 417 :: Quick Hits

The pocket computer on my table-top standing desk that is always connected to the internet has really warped everyone's idea of progress. Add in the constant barrage of social media and we are all being trained that everything is instant.

BTW - I only have twitter on my phone. I don't install it anywhere else. If I want to look at it on my computer I check the web but not that much. I don't have the FB app installed anywhere and I use the mobile web version of it now and then to check stuff. Getting rid of apps will lessen your usage of these things quite a bit.

Age has taught me one thing in life which is lots of "good things" are not instant. My personal net worth is at a record high but its not because of any one thing - it has just been slowly growing year after year with some of that magic of compounding starting to work. I looked at a bunch of my holding using the time window of 7 years based loosely on this theory :: https://www.thebalance.com/what-is-the-rule-of-72-how-can-it-help-you-double-your-money-453756, and many of them had at least doubled - some more than that.

I made some speculative trades along the way, I have lots of early-stage Startup investments that may or may not deliver some returns but I don't do too much crazy stuff. Sure, I may have missed out on greater wealth but at the same time the slow, steady progress of always investing is starting to pay off.

This is just money though but this can work in others ways as well.

Friends, health, work and so on. One has to constantly be investing into the things you want to see grow and it won't always happen quick. It's rarely instant.

But let's be honest - instant stuff is mostly shit anyway.

Always be investing...