Michael Smith Jr.

May 26, 2021

Day 418 :: COVID-19

I guess the USA is starting to feel like they have this licked :: https://donaldgmcneiljr1954.medium.com/the-end-is-near-no-seriously-142683fb085e

I hope it is true and I assume it is due to the percentage of vaccinated people but one wonders if with the sudden opening up of everything + the variants if even the USA could reverse course? I hope not but still one wonders.

I still have concern that we really don't know the origins of COVID-19. China can do what it wants but the world deserves an answer since every nook and cranny of the globe has changed due to COVID-19. There is no going back.

Would all of this have happened if China was open about it from the getgo? No one knows but tough not to feel that way. Lab escape, wet markets eating shit they shouldn't, or even the man made theory - don't care really.
We just need to know.

Another read, by the same author as the link above, openly explores the how much is China to blame for all of this? I am not saying it is there fault or that this wasn't inevitable but would we be handling it better and have better chance of preventing the next one if we knew everything there is to know about the possible sources?

I firmly believe that we don't know how it started and that if China was open about it we just might.


Speaking of China...

John Cena has impressive Mandarin speaking skills. What a pathetic way to use them:

Stay safe!