Michael Smith Jr.

May 29, 2021

Day 420 :: Where do I go from here?

COVID-19 is wrecking with my plans.

I used to have it all sorted out about where I was going to live, buy a pad and eventually retire. Now I am not so sure and truth be told - even planning my plan is on pause since I really don’t know how things will turn out.

Where will be the safe place to live and send your kids to school?

Will that “safe” place be open and enjoyable place to be?

I just feel like life is stuck, on hold of sorts.

I can’t travel or visit family nor can I travel to places that I might want to live or retire in.

I’m stuck cause I need to keep kids in school and I can’t work remote.

Seems 2021 is gone so to speak which means I am hoping for some change in 2022 but knowing how things are going I wonder if 2022 is a safe bet?

I do better when I can forward project and give myself my own carrot or two which keeps me motivated for work and being somewhat locked down.

At the moment, my motivation is waning quite a bit.

Maybe I just need to get back in the gym.

In the meantime, I ordered one of these bad boys :: https://twobakeboys.com/products/a-taro-crepe-cake-with-taro-sauce-6-%f0%9f%8d%a0
