Michael Smith Jr.

June 8, 2021

Day 426 :: Walking

I really like walking. I could run but it's not the same.

I see people on bikes and it's cool but there is too much going on with the bike - like other bikes, traffic and watching out to not hit anyone.

Walking is cool for a few reasons:
  • I can walk and listen to books and podcasts
  • I can walk and be on conference calls - yes, I do that often. Most folks don't know
  • I can wear my weight vest and add some resistance to the walk
  • I can walk and talk to myself since I am not having to deal with other stuff
  • It's good exercise and I like going for a few hours if I can

Today I walked from home to Jurong Lake on the Park Connecter Network.

It was about 14km and I attended a long call along the way.

Last month I had 460k steps and hope to beat it this month.

Walking is therapy for me and my normal non-COVID routine is weights one day and walking the next - pretty much 7 days a week if I can. 

I feel like I can keep doing this for years to come and increase my chances of a healthy, active life.

Consistency for this stuff is key.

Discipline = Freedom.