Michael Smith Jr.

July 7, 2021

Day 437 :: Vaccine Politics

Asia is on the edge of starting, albeit very slowly, to open up.

I still suspect most of us can't easily go anywhere this year - maybe December is possible. For me and my family, it is tough to imagine going anywhere if we have lengthy quarantine on either or both sides. I can handle a few days here and there but even a week on either side means 2 weeks of a holiday stuck in a hotel with 5 people.

That is worse than just staying home.

I assume soon we can find a place to travel to without quarantine - USA for example.

So then the next issue is coming home when the family has a mix of visas and 2 kids can't get vaccinated. I assume that this also will have rules - at least for the return to Singapore part of any trip. I sincerely hope a mostly vaccinated family can return to Singapore with some ease.

I guess we wait for the rules.

However what I am keeping an eye on his how the brand of vaccine you take will be factored in.

I wasn't kidding when I tweeted this: https://twitter.com/dreampipe/status/1412368889359454211

Screenshot 2021-07-08 at 7.10.01 AM.png

This was not me bragging about the brand I got but just stating a simple fact.




As the world scales the vaccine rollouts with different types manufactured in different locales - how we will ensure that someone who is vaccinated is legit?

I don't have the answers.

Singapore is starting to expose the carrot model for rewarding those with the vaccine: https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/covid-19-fully-vaccinated-differentiated-measures-group-size-8-15172038

I wonder though what the sticks will be if you don't get the jab?

- Can't board planes?
- Can't renew a passport, re-entry permit or work-permit?
- Can't enter an office?

I think at some point lots of governments might have to move into enforcement mode if we need to get everyone vaccinated. Interested to see how this all plays out.

I need a holiday - soon!