Michael Smith Jr.

October 3, 2021

Day 494 :: Approaching my half-life

I will turn 50 on Friday. All major party plans down the drain since we can't travel and we can't have a gathering of more than 2 people. Thanks Singapore!

Having lost one brother in life way too early the only major plans I make for myself these days is to stay healthy, enjoy life and anticipate what the future may bring.

I find this story so painful to read.


I do like reading stuff like this - even if painful. It reminds me there is only so much time, only so many things I can manage to do anything about and only so many people I can spend time with in my life.

I really want to close the book on 2021. I am hoping 2022 will let up a bit and just be kinder.

I want to go visit friends and family. I am tired of wearing a mask all the time. Truth be told, I don't wear them much outside anymore since I don't think it make any sense at all. I wouldn't mind a few days a week in the office. For the record, the reason I avoid most places right now is that Singapore has ridiculous rules on home lockdown if you happen to get near anyone with COVID and I can't take another lockdown.

The first half of my life was amazing, too fast and I don't think I did it right but still. I am here with a healthy family and lots of good stories to tell. I need to make sure the 2nd half also creates some more stories.

That is one thing I will add - you have to try and keep building a life that will be a story. My biggest concern is as I age and deal with more complexity - I just settle back for the ride.

If you have not "heard" Greenlights yet - I highly suggest giving it a listen :: https://amzn.to/3A4BZwD

You could read it but it makes for an amazing audio book with Matthew McConaughey reading it, using different voices and just emoting like only the author could. It is one of the better books I have consumed this year.

Enjoy the week!