Michael Smith Jr.

March 4, 2021

I want to blog more

Digging how simple this is now to publish from Hey Email.

I won't use my substack anymore. Never intended to build a proper newsletter at this time so the tool doesn't quite fit the needs. Wordpress is fine but my url and blog was for a different career phase. Hoping Hey will add a blog import and would move it all over but let's see how it goes.

It is interesting how simple this is with product and the RSS feed. 

Is this a simple trick to changing the blogging game?

I used to blog a lot. Then I started my AWS gig, then COVID and then well - just didn't feel like writing or knew what my new work voice was. Working at AWS is great but you have to alter your public voice a bit given the scale of the company and my specific role.

Hopefully with this tool I will find it easier to write more.

Hopefully I get a few subscribers. And some emails - instead of comments.

Happy Friday!