Michael Smith Jr.

April 1, 2021

The Struggle is real

Was just reading this one :: https://world.hey.com/jason/excitement-is-a-fleeting-moment-not-a-steady-state-481e3548

Very, very true and much needed to be said.

It sure sounds like everyone's having a lot of fun out there. So when we don't see that reflected in our own businesses, we wonder we're doing wrong. Why aren't my employees always super excited? What do I need to do to get from here to that amazing press release?

All this super excitedness sets an unreasonable bar for every day work.

Truth is, every day work is rarely exciting. Most work is pretty mundane. Even work on meaningful things. The most profound stuff is built one mostly boring brick at a time. Even the most creative ideas, the best art, the breakthroughs have to be assembled, and assembly isn't typically what fires people up.

You don't get to the exhilarating end without going through the mundane middle. And the beginning and end are the shortest parts — the middle is most of it.

You have heard all the terms for this - messy middle, valley of despair and so on.

I even wrote this once on my old blog :: https://seedvc.blog/2017/04/09/more-struggle-less-hustle/

It’s easy with all the social stuff to think everyone is having fun, making money and never deep into the boring, hard stuff. But to be honest, even work at the glamorous big tech companies, is usually a grind. Yes, a real fucking grind.

That’s what people don’t show you. Always thought I should record a full day but too much of it is boring, can’t be shared or way to personal for others I work with. 

It’s good to talk about the truth. Be honest. I have some fun moments and I generally love what I do. I don’t love it all the time though.

It’s still work.

Happy Grinding!