Sulman Baig

March 15, 2022

MacOS Monterey 12.3 Universal Controls

Today Apple launched IpadOS 15.3 and MacOS 12.3 with one major feature we were waiting for since MacOS Monterey was launched and that is “Universal Control” that essentially has a feature that if we drag mouse or keybord to edge of screen then the same mouse and keyboard we are connected with our mac can be used on ipad or other macs.

I have macbook air, mac mini, and ipad air with me. And now only one keyboard and mouse can be used everywhere with easy air drop as well. Don’t know why the public version still states that beta version. But I am loving this concept. Now my development and movie or music binging is on different devices.

Dear Apple, I use Logitech MX Keys, and Master 3 keyboard and mouse, pleasemake 3rd party integrations more seamless out of the beta. Like scroll of mouse is using scroll of main connected computer. But literally Universal Control is a game changer for an Apple Fan Boy. Love It!