Sulman Baig

March 21, 2022

Bought iPhone 13 mini

I have been the user of iPhone XS max for as long as it was launched. Now I decided to change my iPhone but there were very less options cause my basic requirement was less weight and small to handle in one hand. So the obvious choice I had was iPhone SE 3 and iPhone mini 13. I never liked the big iPhones as I was a user of XS max. I a...
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March 19, 2022

Bought M1 Max 64GB 200Tb Macbook Pro 16"

Hello World from my new Macbook Pro 16", 10 Core CPU, 32 Core GPU, 64 GB Unified Memory and 2Tb SSD. Liking the likes of the new computer. But currently unable to run my office web app in local. Trying to do that.
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March 15, 2022

MacOS Monterey 12.3 Universal Controls

Today Apple launched IpadOS 15.3 and MacOS 12.3 with one major feature we were waiting for since MacOS Monterey was launched and that is “Universal Control” that essentially has a feature that if we drag mouse or keybord to edge of screen then the same mouse and keyboard we are connected with our mac can be used on ipad or other macs. ...
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March 9, 2022

Rubocop Good or bad

I have been working on Rubocop recently quite heavily. Sometimes rubocop is a great utility and sometimes it is pain in a**. With Error Lens extension rubocop warnings come in bold. Recently, I had a method with lines greater than 12 but the warning was quite sticky. At that moment you want to minimize the length and at the same time, ...
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March 8, 2022

Error lens VSCode Extension and Apple Silicon M1 Ultra

Error Lens Error Lens is a great extension for VSCode. ErrorLens turbo-charges language diagnostic features by making diagnostics stand out more prominently, highlighting the entire line wherever a diagnostic is generated by the language, and also prints the message inline. ErrorsLens works for all types of languages. I love this exten...
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March 7, 2022

Star Wars, Typescript and DevDocs

Star Wars I am more of a fan of Star Trek. But many of my friends say to love Star Wars as well and is better than Star Trek. I am now on Episode III. Still not into the Star Wars than I am in Star Trek. But one thing I love is that it has Natalie Portman which I like a lot. She always takes odd movies difficult for her to do. —- Types...
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March 6, 2022

Rambox, Easyart@themeforest, and

Rambox Today I was looking to have an alternative to bookmarking + workspaces in chrome. First I thought of Franz but their pricing was quite steep for just an alternative to chrome for messaging and important websites to open in one window based on the work I am doing at the moment. I googled and found alternativeto website. I found R...
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March 5, 2022

First Post through

First post from Hey! I joined at the suggestion of my colleague who was using it for a while. I joined the trial version used for a few hours, then bought it for one year for now. The advantages that I liked in comparison to old long lost Gmail are: • Self Blog/Diary with subscription lists • Privacy • Simple Ui to manage email...
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